Monday, February 27, 2017

100 blocks! plus....

that's all 100 blocks
2 that I redid, as I didn't really like the way they were, 
16 bonus blocks....
need 2 more blocks (which are bonus ones) still to make....
sashings and cornerstones will be 1 1/2" wide in a beautiful creamy/green/aqua batik that my daughter bought back from Bali for me....


Pamela said...

Lovely job on the Splendid Sampler. I have all 100 of my blocks done too. Only did a few of the bonus blocks. Can't wait to see others' quilts coming together - still waiting for inspiration on how to set mine. I made mine scrappy too. I think the scraps give a wonderful energy to the quilt. Co-ordinated match-matchy is nice, but scraps make me happy. (My blocks were always posted with "TSS Low Vol B'grnd and Scraps" as the title - I don't have a blog or Instagram account to post pics.)

Michelle Ridgway said...

Fab effort Julie. Your blocks look wonderful x

Maria said...

WOW fabulous you managed to make all the SS Blocks and I'm looking forward to seeing them all put together...

Anthea said...

They look so great all laid out like that Julz... the sashing plan sounds wonderful... have fun sewing them together!

Denice Barker said...

Yay you is right! What an accomplishment. It was fun watching your journey with the close ups.

Sandi said...

That's looking great Julz...looking forward to seeing it finished..xx

Chookyblue...... said...

Well done.... Huge effort.....

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