Tuesday, January 29, 2019

long weekend gone in a flash!

 morning beautiful morning walks...
 actually touched the sewing machine ...amazing isn't it?
 one of my last roses..don't think there will be too many more this season
 beautiful sunsets!
and the extent of the rain we have got...that was it!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


 my one and only tigerlily this year....

remember those orchid bulbs here...
well I had to move them on Saturday so hubby could spray some weeds...
and look tiny green shoots on some of them!
Hoping for more, but time will tell.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

the week in review

 morning walks....took a different route on the last one, so as not to bore you all!
 perfect weather for getting stuff dry quickly!
Christmas all packed up for another year!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

what a week or two!

 new hedge installed!
 clearing up those trees and stumps that came down months ago!
 morning walks

 luchtimes spent under my favourite tree!
 more morning walks
I love this place, every day is different.
my bargain from the market on Sunday...
and the man even took $5 off the price
super happy with this!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019