a piece of fabric.....

fold it in half and sew the seam (1/4"),
gather the bottom edge with running stitches about 1/4" from edge,
(really small, so that it will be tight!),
turn right side out,
stuff, firmly...
fold over a scant 1/4" and gather top edge with running stitches,
pull up firmly,
leaving a small hole in the centre.
get a long length of perle cotton,
tie several knots about 2" from the end,
starting through the bottom and coming out the hole in the top,
make sections (6 or 8),
pull cotton firmly to crease into the fabric...
on the last section, make sure you tie off the 2 ends very securely.
get a twig, break off a small piece about 1 1/2" long,
and a tiny piece of green felt cut into a leaf shape,
into the hole add a generous amount of craft glue,
insert the twig and one end of the leaf,
push in firmly...
and behold....

a pumpkin.....
there's quite a few more coming!!!!