Monday, August 19, 2024

where did July vanish to?

 making lots of little birdies like the ones above in Gail Pan's pattern...
3 blocks per month
 can't wait for my month to come around!

some I have sent to their new home.

we have had some amazing sunny days,
 with freezing cold starts,
and some very cold temps!

this little miss is growing so fast!

almost 9 months old already...

Georgie was not happy, 

he thinks this is his couch!

and the start of a new quilt for someone special!

ok ...time for work again!
see ya!

Monday, July 8, 2024

catchup part 2


starting something new... stay tuned!

in a swap with a bunch of lovely ladies...
3 of these per month to each of the other ladies, 
November is my month to receive....
how good will that be...birthday month!
vanilla slices!!!!
haven't made these in years...
they disappeared pretty quick!

and a big reveal...
this is the quilt and cushion I made for my grand daughters birth!
beautifully quilted by my friend Lisa at Star's Hollow Quilting

and a few more of Tassie...
 can't wait to go back and explore some more!

catchup part 1

this little cutie decided my mulch pile would make a good home for a few days!


In March we went to Tassie!
only been planning it since 2020, 
didn't go then cos covid hit the country!

just a few of the highlights of our trip...

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Well February is almost done!
How did that happen?

Morning walks have been wonderful, different every day!

my roses have been beautiful this year...
so I thought I would bring another lot inside to enjoy...

and this little mini orchid is gracing me with another flower stem...
finally found the perfect spot for them to grow new stems!

and this adorable one is growing and growing!
fascinated with the crab!
(as is George in the background!)


Monday, February 12, 2024

half way through February already!

 I just can't seem to keep up with the weeks!
they are flying by....
middle of Feb already...

below are some of the gorgeous morning views on my regular walk...
love this view so much, 
never tire of it...

and this is one of my regular clients and their amazing view, 
looking back towards my home town.

my 3" hexies blocks are coming along nicely, 
I've done 10 so far with another 3 prepped and around the same amount cut but not prepped yet
not sure how big this will be...lap, single bed or queen topper?
I'm only maybe about 1/3 of the way through my stash...

I think I need to start joining blocks to get an idea of size.

and a little something with another regular client I take out for lunch every Monday, 
sometimes we don't have lunch ....just dessert!

well back to the hexies!