well still at work
(essential worker...pharmacy)
but rolling roster, so seem to have more time to do some of the things I want to do, funny isn't it? I haven't had any extra time off, just different to when I'm usually off...so taking advantage of that I have been busy doing this....
block 13 in 3 sizes
stuff the last one up several times...Jack and I were great friends
made some purchases from Kmart and potted them up
my red nerines have gone crazy
last blooms from the garden before the cold weather hits
Aldi is trap! one of the 2 I bought plus some other things I will show in coming days/weeks
one quarter of the next block....so many colour combos!
decisions decisions
and one that we all need to remember, especially when out and about shopping
to be kind to all staff in stores
to be kind to ourselves
and just
in general