Thursday, December 16, 2010

been busy!

boy, didn't realise it was quite a few days since my last post...
what have I been up to????
Last Friday (Dec 10) DH and I took ED into the city to see her fav band...
Bon Jovi!

we went to Rod Lavera Arena...
it was sooooo exciting, it's been years since I had been to a concert...
4 hours later we were rocking our way to where we were staying for the night...

If you get the chance, see them, such entertainers!
(sorry didn't take my camera, only my phone and the pics aren't very good)

(Hi Bron!)

and lots of crafting stuff for the final market this Saturday, December 18th 3pm - 8pm,
at the Healesville Racecourse
(see my website for details of how to get there)

come and say Hi if you're in the area...


1 comment:

Deb said...

That would have been a fabulous concert to go to Julz. Pleased you all had a great night.